Original spareparts suppliers - Exporting & importing experts
GLOBE EXPORT S.L. founded in 2004 with a highly qualified group of professionals, starts its business, locating & distributing spare parts of all brands, of passenger cars, both at domestic & international level, specializing in the exporting market.
Driven by an innate entrepreneurial vocation, the management department projects amplifying the installations, purchasing the warehouses and offices next door, starting this way a constant growth until today.
Presently GLOBE EXPORT SL supplies spare parts both in domestic & international market, keeping unchanged our main target: quality & customer service. To reach this target, we have modern installations where we store Stock of car spare partsaccessories & complements for all brands and car models.

Our products
Our Job is the location & distribution of original spare parts for all car brands.
Our Philosophy is If it exists, we have it.
These principals have driven us to have a huge stock of main car spare parts for fast service. Whether they are mechanical parts, body parts or for car maintenance. From oils to mirrors, doors & trunk doors, air filters, oil filters, turbo, starter motors, etc. As well as, all kinds of accessories of the main car manufacturers at international level.
Always original spare parts, so your repairs are assured with maximum manufacturer quality and warrantee.
If you can't find it...
GLOBE EXPORT SL, has been adapting itself to its growth and expanding its installations to provide the necessary logistic coverage to its customers. Arriving nowadays, to be one of the most flexible importing / exporting specialists of the market.
From our main logistic warehouse at Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara), we attend all requests both domestic & international, being present in all Europe, North Africa and South America.

Ctra. N-II, Km. 43 Poligono Industrial AIDA II
Avd. de Milán 16 Edificio Oficinas 4 2ºPlanta
19200 Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara)
Contact Form
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